Friday, June 14, 2013

Last day of Camp

Today, is my last day of camp. : (  I  love all that this camp has taught me. I especially want to thank the instructors for making this the best week of my life and this summer has turned out amazing.  I will be presenting my Pico Cricket.  It is really cool. I did have to make some adjustments. But it did come out really cool. I will talk tonight about how the presentation went. I am hoping I will have enough time to say this. "Today I am going to show you my pico cricket. It is a small robot compsed of a  brain, cords and input or output devices.  I call in "The Strength Tester". Allissa helped me build it. So first, I will push the button that is an input device. and my output devices will let out sound, lights, and show your strength all the way to 100. It won't decide a score until it has counted multiple times." I know it is short, but I will add to it once I get there.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Google Sketch up

Today, is the last day of camp before programming presentations. We worked on Google Sketch Up. Fist, we worked on a dog house then a cat perch.  I only finished the dog house. Then came the hard part. We had to build a model of our house. I never finished. It was to hard. But, it was very fun. talk to you guys who are reading tomorrow I have got to go.


    I am finally done at karate. For tonight... We didn't spar. But I did work on my kicks. Round kicks to be exact. We also worked on back kicks. I wanted to knock over a bag; I almost did, "almost" is the key word here. We also did stretches. I have found out that I hate hate the splits. Hmm I wonder if I can make the girls  at camp do these stretches.  That would be fun to watch them do L.O.L, and J.K. See Y'all tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Star Logo

I am back! Today we did one of my favorite types of programming but this one was made by a different company. It is like Story Telling Alice. But it is made by M.I.T. Our whole class made one where there was a mountain or two, and you had to get the giraffes on top of it because there was a flood. Then we all added our own twist to them. We all got a page of challenges to help us with our little "twists". First we added two extra mountains to get extra points when a giraffe was on them. Check I did it. Then, we added a new breed of animals; mine was a wolf, check that I changed blue. Next, I made more characters called agents I added 35 more of them to my story. Finally, with some help, I had 15 of my agents go to the top of my highest mountain to get extra points. Check to all of those. Here I go to the harder challenges.(I finished all of them) One of them was to graph  the number of wolves on my mountain. The next one was my idea for the whole group. So, if any of my wolves were drowning, it would die. BAM! A new one was born on the mountain top increasing  my score. It is so cool.
      Talk to Y'all tonight from karate to inform you on my sparring with Dad. Wish me luck. : )

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Paper Circuits

Today, was my 7th day of camp at N.M.S.U. for Y.W.I.C. It was really fun. You had to use copper tape and make circuits, that lit up little lead light bulbs. My first  project by myself didn't work out to well. So Linday helped me and it came out really good. It was a picture of my dog and her eyes lit up. Then, after the circuits were taped to the picture I made a picture frame for my little dog. Then it was done. Finally, Im here blogging an having so much fun this week. Talk to Y'all tomorrow! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

My Weekend

    I am back, for today, and I ma back to tell about my weekend like a said earlier. My weekend  was actually pretty fun, but sad at the same time. This weekend was the 8th and 9th of June.
    So first, on Friday I went to my Grandma's house to work on getting it rented. The sad thing was it reminded me of her, and she passed away in '09. She was my best friend when I was younger, and I told all of my secrets to her. But I know she i sin a better place now so I'm not to sad anymore. I l <3 you Mema!
    Then on Friday night I got burgers for dinner; I had been craving them for quite a while. They had cheddar, and american cheese on them. On the top I put fried to a crisp bacon, and ketchup. Then, late at night I got invited to my friends Kiera's house. The other Abey was their to.Then we went to sleep we made Kiera an Abbi/Abey sandwich. We stayed up all night watching YouTube videos. My favorite was Sylvester the talking cat. Here is the link. For breakfast we ate oatmeal. Then I went home, and worked on Mema's house again. After working for a while we went home and changed  for a birthday party, and ate lunch. The party was at a pool at a clubhouse. Then I went home, and changed into P.J's. I also went, and looked at  my brother's welding on his tailgate that he made. Lastly, my Mom, Dad, and I watched Transformers.That was my amazing weekend. Thanks for listening. I love blogging!


Today at camp we worked with PicoCrickets. They are like Lego Mindstorms but smaller. Me and Allissa made a Strength Tester. Once you press the button the light flashes, the speaker flashes, and the display board counts up to 100 percent of strength. They are so much fun! My favorite part of PicoCrickets is the programming. It is so cool to say that you made that do what it does. I sure do hope that my Mom will let me download the programmer to my laptop. Or better yet I wish I could get my own. I also learned how to change the font on Gutsy Girls Social Network. I will talk to Y'all tonight about my weekend it was so fun and exciting. I would also like to tell my sister Sheila that I hope she likes my blog and camp stories at Y.W.I.C.